Relationship Goals: Couple Loses Nearly 200 Pounds Together!

By Gwen "FitwithGwen" Jamison

(Photo credit: Lesliegetnfit Instagram)

Talk about relationship goals! This is a couple that our users have been following on social media for quite some time. Our users shared the couple, who have chronicled their weight loss journey on social media,e with us. Leslie and her husband are married and decided to embark on a body transformation program together. As a couple, they suffered from obesity early on but didn’t let that be the final say in how they lived their new life together. To date, they have lost nearly 200 pounds! Now, they are helping others reach their fitness goals. They have helped over 2,000 people so far through their website,

But don’t take our word for it. Here are some words of wisdom from the fit couple we’ve grown to love:


“December 20, 2017. I started my fitness journey from 353lbs to 220lbs. This has to be the best gift 🎁 that I have ever received. One thing that I can say for sure is that there is no quick fix, magic pill, shortcuts, etc. If you need and or want to reach your goals, it will take time and effort.”

“I used to look like Professor Klump. Now that I’ve committed to this healthy lifestyle change, I enjoy living my life like Buddy Love.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ All jokes aside, this type of transformation is accomplished by hard work and dedication.”

“If you want to transform your life it has to be made a priority! Everything you do in life revolves around your health. If you’re not healthy nothing else matters. Really, just think about thatπŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ’­πŸ’­. So get it into gear and get it done.”

(Photo credit: Lesliegetnfit Instagram)

“The key to living a healthier lifestyle is to really become one with your health and fitness. You shouldn’t look @ your health as just a diet. Your journey needs to be a priority. You should really enjoy trying to be healthy. If you enjoy health and fitness your journey will be successful.”

“Quit being so hard on yourself, results don’t happen overnight. There a process that you must trust in and stay consistent.”

“When you start giving your body the nutrients that it needs vs. the food that you want, prepare for big changes. Not only physically, but mentally as well. This has to be the best thing that I’ve done for myself. I share these pictures to hopefully motivate at least one person who needs that extra push to let them know that you can do it also. Take it day by day”


“I’ve been there. I’ve been overweight. I’ve struggled with not knowing what to eat or how to exercise. I thought I had to spend hours doing cardio. I thought I had [to] deprive myself of carbs. It’s not that you can’t do it sis, you just haven’t found the right plan for you! You just need a little guidance.”

“I always get asked for advice on how we have made it last for 21 years. I’m no relationship expert but speaking from experience, there is so much that goes into having a healthy relationship. But if I had to sum it up, I believe the key to our healthy and happy relationship has been: Communication, Respect, Appreciation, Trust and Interdependence.”

“Speaking of Interdependence in a relationship, we don’t hear enough about Interdependence. Being truly interdependent means being involved with each other in a supportive manner without compromising your values or sacrificing yourself for the relationship. Interdependence means having time to yourself as well as time together. The key is finding the right balance.”

(Photo credit: Lesliegetnfit Instagram)

“Motherhood and self-love/care can coexist πŸ’• I am a mom, wife, and badass independent woman!!! You can do it all”

“Taking time for yourself as a mom is important so that you can be your best for your family. Not only are moms physically healthier when they take time for themselves, but they are also mentally healthier. You set a good example for your kids when you take care of yourself.”

“Exercising is a great way to spend some me time. Not only are you working on your health but you are also reducing your levels of stress and anxiety.”

(Photo credit: Lesliegetnfit Instagram)

“Even if it is not possible for you to get out of the house alone, you should have some time alone each day. Even if you only find 5 minutes to take for yourself, TAKE IT!”

“Moms need time for themselves just like everyone else does. Your family gains amazing benefits when you take the time that you need.”

“Be Confident! Life is too short to be at war with yourself πŸ’• You Can Do It”

“Just a reminder that results come over time, not overnight”

For more information on this beautiful couple, check out their Instagram:

Leslie Getnfit

CC Getnfit

Originally Published: