What I'm Doing in 2024

By Demetrius Carrington


On July 14, 2023, my life changed forever; the greatest human being that I've ever known passed away. My Dad, Clyde Carrington, was an exceptional man. He honored his commitments, led our family with strength and integrity, and was one of the most enjoyable people you could ever meet.

As I sat at the funeral, person after person said the same things. It wasn't the typical clichés that people utter at funerals; it was as if they were echoing my thoughts. It became abundantly clear that my Dad treated everyone like family. Their words provided me with immense comfort and a lot to contemplate. From that day forward, I vowed to live the rest of my life as a tribute to my Pops.

As I reflected on how he conducted himself and compared it to my own actions, I realized there was significant room for improvement.


One of the key areas I'm focusing on is my health: I've undergone a comprehensive physical examination. Understanding my health status at all times is paramount.

Equally important, I'm taking proactive steps toward a better quality of life, encompassing proper nutrition and regular exercise.

Another crucial aspect is relationships. My Dad was exceptional at letting those around him know that he loved them. He ensured that I knew I was loved and appreciated. His guidance and support enabled me to achieve remarkable things in life.

I've also been fortunate to have incredible friends who have embraced my dreams and made them their own. This year, I'm committed to showing love and appreciation to my friends.

Moreover, I'm approaching dating with a purpose, aspiring towards the goal of becoming a husband. I've realized the importance of meaningful connections and aim to leave behind relationships that do not contribute positively to my life. One-sided friendships and interactions that waste time will be eliminated in 2024.


My primary focus is on building my business and becoming a better man. This year is about honoring my father's legacy by embracing healthier living, cherishing relationships, and pursuing a purpose-driven approach to life.

That’s what I’m doing in 2024, what about you?